Bone Needle

tool 100 gold

no recipes make this.

Used in 74 Recipes:

Augmented Cloth Chest Half-Armor, Augmented Cloth Chest Quarter-Armor, Augmented Cloth Leggings Half-Armor, Augmented Cloth Boots, Augmented Cloth Chest Armor, Augmented Cloth Gloves, Augmented Cloth Helm, Augmented Cloth Leggings, Bodice Bottoms, Bodice Top, Brown Fur Hat, Carapacian Cloth Chest Armor with Copper Binding and Hardened Leather, Carapacian Cloth Chest Armor with Iron Binding and Hardened Leather, Carapacian Cloth Chest Armor with Iron Binding and Leather, Carapacian Cloth Chest Armor with Iron Binding and Supple Leather, Cotton Cloth Chest Armor with Bronze Binding and Hardened Leather, Cotton Cloth Chest Armor with Constantan Binding and Leather, Cotton Cloth Chest Armor with Copper Binding and Supple Leather, Cotton Cloth Chest Armor with Iron Bindings and Leather, Cotton Cloth Leggings with Bronze Binding and Hardened Leather, Cotton Cloth Leggings with Bronze Binding and Leather, Cotton Cloth Leggings with Copper Binding and Supple Leather, Cotton Cloth Leggings with Iron Binding and Hardened Leather, Epic Cloth Leggings Quarter-Armor, Epic Cloth Chest Quarter-Armor, Epic Cloth Boots, Epic Cloth Chest Armor, Epic Cloth Helm, Epic Cloth Leg Armor, Fustian Cloth Boots with Hardened Leather, Fustian Cloth Chest Armor with Iron Binding and Hardened Leather, Fustian Cloth Chest Armor with Iron Binding and Leather, Fustian Cloth Chest Armor with Iron Binding and Supple Leather, Fustian Cloth Chest Armor with White Iron Binding and Supple Leather, Fustian Cloth Leggings with Bronze Binding and Leather, Fustian Cloth Leggings with Bronze Binding and Supple Leather, Fustian Cloth Leggings with Copper Binding and Hardened Leather, Fustian Cloth Leggings with Copper Binding and Leather, Fustian Cloth Leggings with Copper Binding and Supple Leather, Fustian Cloth Leggings with Iron Binding and Hardened Leather, Fustian Cloth Leggings with Iron Binding and Supple Leather, Holly Wreath Hat, Carapacian Cloth Chest Armor with Bronze Binding and Leather, Fustian Cloth Chest Armor with Copper Binding and Supple Leather, Cloth Belt, Carapacian Cloth Chest Armor with Constantan Binding and Leather, Cotton Cloth Boots with Leather, Augmented Cloth Leggings Quarter-Armor, Fustian Cloth Chest Armor with Copper Binding and Hardened Leather, One-Man Band Basic Hat, One-Man Band Fancy Hat, Ornate Aeronaut Boots, One-Man Band Basic Shirt, One-Man Band Fancy Shirt, Ornate Aeronaut Gloves, Ornate Aeronaut Jacket, Ornate Aeronaut Cap and Goggles, Ornate Aeronaut Leggings, Plain Stovepipe, Bear Headdress, Wolf Headdress, Spider Legs, Fustian Cloth Chest Armor with Copper Binding and Leather, Fortified Cloth Chest Armor, Fortified Cloth Leg Armor, Stag Headdress, Fortified Cloth Gloves, Epic Cloth Gloves, Epic Cloth Gloves with Leather Strap, Cotton Epic Cloth Chest Armor, Fortified Cloth Boots, Fortified Cloth Helm, Primal Bear Headdress, and Dragon Headdress


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