Tomato Plant Seed

seed yield: 8 8 gold

no recipes make this.

no recipes use this item.


NPC Cooking merchants; Ardoris (Samuel Redstone); Celestis (near the entrance); Vertas (Rorium); Yew (at town center); Central Britt (at front gate); Central Britt (at N/E gate); Central Britt (at South gate); Brittany Alleys (at North gate); Brittany estates (farmer in cooking store); Brittany estates (farmer in greenhouse); Kiln (at town center); Jaanaford (at town center); Port Graff (at center of town); Owl's Head (Myra at the town center); Owl's Head (Randall at the town center); Owl's Head (Tanderly at the castle);


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Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
notes none NPC Cooking merchants; Ardoris (Samuel Redstone); Celestis (near the entrance); Vertas (Rorium); Yew (at town center); Central Britt (at front gate); Central Britt (at N/E gate); Central Britt (at South gate); Brittany Alleys (at North gate); Brittany estates (farmer in cooking store); Brittany estates (farmer in greenhouse); Kiln (at town center); Jaanaford (at town center); Port Graff (at center of town); Owl's Head (Myra at the town center); Owl's Head (Randall at the town center); Owl's Head (Tanderly at the castle);
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
yield none 8
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Tomato Plant Seed
use unknown seed
source unknown merchant
price none 8