White Grape Plant Seed

seed yield: 16 16 gold weight: 0.0

no recipes make this.

no recipes use this item.


Celestis (near entrance); Etceter (Rowan Norfolk); Aerie (Christopher Andrews); Aerie (Alicia Jordan at the castle); Vertas (Rorium); Yew (town center); Brittany Estates (farmer in cooking store); Jaanaford (town center); Bramble (town center); Spite (at north gate);


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Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
notes Britanny Estates - Farmer Celestis (near entrance); Etceter (Rowan Norfolk); Aerie (Christopher Andrews); Aerie (Alicia Jordan at the castle); Vertas (Rorium); Yew (town center); Brittany Estates (farmer in cooking store); Jaanaford (town center); Bramble (town center); Spite (at north gate);
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
yield none 16
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none White Grape Plant Seed
use unknown seed
source unknown merchant
price none 16
type Item Seed
weight none 0.0
notes none Britanny Estates - Farmer