Poison Potion, Festering Death
Alchemy [50] (Mortar and Pestle) Not Teachable
3 Empty Flask 10 gold
8 Nightshade 4 gold
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Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
ingredient changes
added 8 Nightshade
added 3 Empty Flask
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Poison Potion, Festering Death
craft_skill none Alchemy
proficiency none 50
teachable none not_teachable
result changes
added 3 Poison Potion, Festering Death
ingredient changes
added 5 Rotting Flesh

Work List

  • Other Components

  • 3 Empty Flask 10 gold
  • 8 Nightshade 4 gold
  • 1 Humanoid Corpse
  • Recipes to Execute

  • 1 Poison Potion, Festering Death Alchemy
  • 1 Process Humanoid Corpse Butchery