Darkstarr Fried Oysters
Cooking [40] (Cooking Pot) Re-Teachable
1 Chunk of Coal fuel 6 gold
2 Raw Egg 4 gold
8 Oyster Meat 8 gold
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Gravidy developer
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proficiency 45 40
teachable none re_teachable
Gravidy developer
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proficiency 40 45
Gravidy developer
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name Plate of Darkstarr Fried Oysters Darkstarr Fried Oysters
Gravidy developer
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proficiency none 40

Work List

  • Fuels

  • 1 Chunk of Coal 6 gold
  • Other Components

  • 2 Raw Egg 4 gold
  • 12 Wheat
  • 3 Empty Glass Jar 2 gold
  • 3 Pecan Nuts 4 gold
  • 8 Oyster Meat 8 gold
  • Recipes to Execute

  • 1 Darkstarr Fried Oysters Cooking
  • 1 Sack of Flour Cooking
  • 1 Sack of Wheat Grain Cooking
  • 1 Jar of Cooking Oil Cooking