Hard Maple Short Bow with Leather Bow String
Carpentry (Carpentry Hammer)
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Work List

  • Fuels

  • 8 Wax 4 gold
  • 24 Creosote 2 gold
  • 3 Curing Salt 8 gold
  • Tools

  • Wood Rasp
  • Gathered Materials

  • 18 Maple Wood Forestry
  • 4 Animal Hide Field Dressing
  • Other Components

  • 3 Sooty Bark
  • 72 Wood Scrap
  • Recipes to Execute

  • 1 Hard Maple Short Bow with Leather Bow String Carpentry
  • 1 Hard Maple Short Bowstave Carpentry
  • 3 Hard Maple Timber Milling
  • 6 Maple Timber from Scraps Milling
  • 1 Simple Leather Bow String Tailoring
  • 2 Leather Tanning