All Comments

Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 10
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Two-handed Sword Blade
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 30
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Two-handed Sword Blade
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 30
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Two-handed Sword Blade
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
source gathering recipe
abstract none true
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 10
teachable none teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Longsword Blade
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
teachable re_teachable teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 10
teachable none re_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Longsword Blade
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 30
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Longsword Blade
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 30
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 30
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Longsword Blade
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 30
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Longsword Blade
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 30
teachable none not_teachable
name Fustian Cloth Straps Fustian Cloth Strap
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name Fustian Cloth Straps Fustian Cloth Strap
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 30
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Sheet
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 10
teachable none re_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Sheet
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 10
teachable none re_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Sheet
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 30
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Sheet
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 30
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Sheet
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 30
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Sheet
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
abstract none true
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 30
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Mace Head
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
source gathering unknown
abstract none true
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Longsword Blade
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
source gathering unknown
abstract none true
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Metal Hilt
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
source recipe unknown
abstract none true
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Dragon Headdress
craft_skill none Tailoring
proficiency none 100
teachable none not_teachable
result changes
added 1 Dragon Headdress
ingredient changes
added 1 Dragon Head
added 2 Cloth or Leather Strap
added 15 Wax
added 1 Bone Needle
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Dragon Head
use unknown component
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Dragon Headdress
use unknown armor
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none White Iron Necklace
craft_skill none Blacksmithing
proficiency none 60
teachable none not_teachable
result changes
added 1 White Iron Necklace
ingredient changes
added 5 White Iron Ingot
added 2 Chunk of Coal
added 1 Necklace Mold
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none White Iron Necklace
use unknown armor
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Constantan Necklace
craft_skill none Blacksmithing
proficiency none 60
teachable none not_teachable
result changes
added 1 Constantan Necklace
ingredient changes
added 5 Constantan Ingot
added 2 Chunk of Coal
added 1 Necklace Mold
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Constantan Necklace
use unknown armor
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Meteoric Iron Necklace
craft_skill none Blacksmithing
proficiency none 60
teachable none not_teachable
result changes
added 1 Meteoric Iron Necklace
ingredient changes
added 5 Meteoric Iron Ingot
added 2 Chunk of Coal
added 1 Necklace Mold
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
notes none Available from the Crafting Merchant
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Necklace Mold
use unknown tool
source unknown merchant
price none 50
weight none 0.3
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Meteoric Iron Necklace
use unknown armor
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Meteoric Iron Ring
craft_skill none Blacksmithing
proficiency none 60
teachable none not_teachable
result changes
added 1 Meteoric Iron Ring
ingredient changes
added 5 Meteoric Iron Ingot
added 2 Chunk of Coal
added 1 Ring Mold
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Meteoric Iron Ring
use unknown armor
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Wooden Binding
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Wooden Binding
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Long Banner
craft_skill none Textiles
proficiency none 30
teachable none re_teachable
result changes
added 1 Long Banner
ingredient changes
added 20 Spool of Cotton Thread
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 30
teachable none teachable
ingredient changes
Spool of Cotton Thread 20 21
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Long Banner
use unknown decoration
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
ingredient changes
added 1 Curing Salt
removed 1 Salt Ingot
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name Leather Bow String Simple Leather Bow String
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
ingredient changes
added 3 Spool of Cotton Thread
removed 3 Spool of Thread
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Cloth or Leather Strap
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Cloth or Leather Strap
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
notes none Cotton can be foraged in the wild, as well as grown through agriculture (in great quantity).
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Yard of Leather
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Yard of Leather
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
instance none Yard of Leather
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency 35 30
teachable none not_teachable
name Supple Leather Straps Supple Leather Strap
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name Supple Leather Straps Supple Leather Strap
instance none Cloth or Leather Strap
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
instance none Cloth or Leather Strap
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency 35 30
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 1
teachable none re_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 1
teachable none re_teachable
name Leather Leather from Scraps
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 1
teachable none re_teachable
name Yard of Leather Yard of Simple Leather
result changes
added 1 Yard of Simple Leather
removed 1 Yard of Leather
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
source recipe unknown
abstract none true
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Yard of Simple Leather
use unknown component
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
effects none Poison: 2-6 Physical/Poison Damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds This poison will also cancel beneficial magic on the victim.
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Potion of Distilled Dark Unicorn Blood
craft_skill none Alchemy
proficiency none 70
teachable none not_teachable
result changes
added 3 Potion of Distilled Dark Unicorn Blood
ingredient changes
added 5 Rotting Flesh
added 1 Dark Unicorn Blood
added 3 Empty Flask
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Dark Unicorn Blood
use unknown component
source unknown drop
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Rotting Flesh
use unknown component
source unknown drop
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Potion of Distilled Dark Unicorn Blood
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Bolt of Cloth
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
teachable none not_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency 20 1
teachable none re_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
instance none Bolt of Cloth
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Stage Stairs
craft_skill none Carpentry
proficiency none 30
teachable none re_teachable
result changes
added 1 Stage Stairs
ingredient changes
added 15 Wooden Board
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Stage Stairs
use unknown decoration
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Stage
craft_skill none Carpentry
proficiency none 40
teachable none re_teachable
result changes
added 1 Stage
ingredient changes
added 50 Wooden Board
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Stage
use unknown decoration
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
result changes
Pet Food, Dragon Kibbles 2 4
Gravidy developer

All of the Pet Food Recipes have been added. Search for "Pet Food" to find them all!

Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Pet Food, Dragon Kibbles
craft_skill none Cooking
proficiency none 70
teachable none re_teachable
result changes
added 2 Pet Food, Dragon Kibbles
ingredient changes
added 1 Chunk of Coal
added 2 Dragon Meat
added 1 Jar of Vegetable Stock
added 1 Potato