All Comments

Gravidy developer

Note that the Cutting Board and Rolling Pin come from the same recipe, which only has to be executed once (you'll be left with a wooden spoon).

Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Kitchen Wall Rack
craft_skill none Carpentry
proficiency none 30
teachable none not_teachable
result changes
added 1 Kitchen Wall Rack
ingredient changes
added 1 Wall Shelf
added 4 Copper or Iron Sheet
added 1 Copper or Iron Coil of Wire
added 1 Pine or Maple Board
added 1 Cutting Board
added 1 Rolling Pin
added 3 Wax
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Pine or Maple Board
use unknown component
source unknown recipe
abstract none true
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Copper or Iron Coil of Wire
use unknown component
source unknown recipe
abstract none true
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Copper or Iron Sheet
use unknown component
source unknown recipe
abstract none true
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Kitchen Wall Rack
use unknown decoration
source unknown recipe
price none 10
weight none 3.0

anyone know where I can get a core mold? Crafting merchants don't have and blacksmiths don't have

Anonymous Avatar

Does anyone have any idea how I can place a Mardi Gras fountain on some sort of platform in the water? I have a gothic water house and space in the water to put something. I've tried the 1k coto pack platforms, the water platform, 4x4x4 blocks can't be placed in the water. Is this even possible to do?

Gravidy developer

Hey Lafee!

There's a "show all" link at the top of the skills tables. There you can click on the crossed-out eyeball, and it will no longer be hidden.


I clicked on an eyeball icon in my skills and that skill disappeared. How do I get it back?

Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
price none 1
weight none 0.5
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
price none 20
weight none 0.5
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Cushioned Seat
craft_skill none Carpentry
proficiency none 40
teachable none teachable
result changes
added 1 Cushioned Seat
ingredient changes
added 5 Wooden Board
added 2 Yard of Simple Leather
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Cushioned Seat
use unknown decoration
source unknown recipe
price none 8
weight none 3.0
notes none Recipe available at Perennial Vale decoration merchants
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
source unknown salvage
price none 1
weight none 0.4
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Clay Block
craft_skill none Carpentry
proficiency none 1
teachable none re_teachable
result changes
added 1 Clay Block
ingredient changes
added 12 Small Ball of Clay
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 1
teachable none re_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
price none 1
weight none 0.5
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency none 1
teachable none re_teachable
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
result changes
Leather 1 2
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
ingredient changes
Leather Scrap 6 12
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
source gathering salvage
price none 1
weight none 0.1
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
weight none 0.1
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
weight none 0.1
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
price none 4
weight none 0.1
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
source gathering unknown
abstract none true
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
abstract none true
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
source gathering unknown
notes none Represents any jewellery that can be enchanted.
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
source gathering unknown
notes none Represents anything that can be equipped, which (typically) can be enchanted.
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
abstract none true
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
notes none This represents any piece of crafted chest armor that can be used in a recipe.
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
price none 1
gathering_skill none Mining
weight none 0.01
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
price none 1
gathering_skill none Mining
weight none 0.01
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
price none 1
gathering_skill none Mining
weight none 0.4
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
price none 1
gathering_skill none Mining
weight none 0.01
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name Candle Small Candle
use unknown component
abstract none true
notes none Represents a number of different candles that can be used in recipes.
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
notes none This is here since some recipes call for one of these. This represents just about every "crafted weapon" imaginable.
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown food
source gathering agriculture
price none 1
weight none 0.1
effects none * +1 Focus Per Second * +0.3 Combat Focus Per Second * for 2 minutes
buff_slots_used none 1
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown food
price none 5
gathering_skill none Forestry
weight none 0.1
effects none +2% Earth Resistance for 2 minutes
buff_slots_used none 1
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown food
price none 3
gathering_skill none Forestry
weight none 0.1
effects none +2% Earth Resistance for 2 minutes
buff_slots_used none 1
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
price none 40
gathering_skill none Foraging
weight none 0.1
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
source gathering agriculture
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
price none 10
gathering_skill none Field Dressing
weight none 2.0
effects none Material Crafting Bonus: +3 Strength
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
price none 1
weight none 0.1
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
price none 10
gathering_skill none Field Dressing
weight none 0.4
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
price none 3
weight none 1.0
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
price none 3
weight none 1.0
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
price none 1
gathering_skill none Mining
weight none 0.01
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
ingredient changes
added 4 Bolt of Cloth
removed 4 Bolt of Cotton Cloth
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
ingredient changes
Wooden Board 1 8
Yard of Leather 3 4
Al Thayr

Accordion needs 8 Wooden Board(s) and 4 Yard of Leather(s).

Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Tabletop Snowwoman
craft_skill none Carpentry
proficiency none 50
teachable none not_teachable
result changes
added 1 Tabletop Snowwoman
ingredient changes
added 8 Snowball
added 2 Wooden Board
added 2 Bolt of Cloth
added 1 Carrot
added 4 Chunk of Coal
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Tabletop Snowwoman
use unknown decoration
source unknown recipe
price none 30
weight none 1.0
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Tabletop Snowman
craft_skill none Carpentry
proficiency none 50
teachable none not_teachable
result changes
added 1 Tabletop Snowman
ingredient changes
added 10 Snowball
added 2 Wooden Board
added 2 Bolt of Cloth
added 1 Carrot
added 4 Chunk of Coal
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Tabletop Snowman
use unknown decoration
source unknown recipe
price none 30
weight none 1.0
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Tabletop Snowgirl
craft_skill none Carpentry
proficiency none 50
teachable none not_teachable
result changes
added 1 Tabletop Snowgirl
ingredient changes
added 5 Snowball
added 1 Wooden Board
added 1 Bolt of Cloth
added 1 Carrot
added 2 Chunk of Coal
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Tabletop Snowgirl
use unknown decoration
source unknown recipe
price none 20
weight none 1.0
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Tabletop Snowboy
craft_skill none Carpentry
proficiency none 50
teachable none not_teachable
result changes
added 1 Tabletop Snowboy
ingredient changes
added 6 Snowball
added 1 Wooden Board
added 1 Bolt of Cloth
added 1 Carrot
added 2 Chunk of Coal
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Tabletop Snowboy
use unknown decoration
source unknown recipe
price none 20
weight none 1.0
Gravidy developer

Al Thayr, thanks for the update on the lute string recipe. I've corrected it.

Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
proficiency 35 10
teachable none teachable
result changes
Lute String 1 8
ingredient changes
added 1 Big Cat Carcass
removed 1 Leather
Wax 2 9
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
price 3 10
weight 10.0 3.0
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
price none 10
weight none 3.0
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Small Tiger Carcass
use unknown component
source unknown gathering
price none 10
gathering_skill none Field Dressing
weight none 3.0
instance none Big Cat Carcass
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Small Saber-Toothed Tiger Carcass
use unknown component
source unknown gathering
price none 3
gathering_skill none Field Dressing
weight none 10.0
instance none Big Cat Carcass
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Small Panther Carcass
use unknown component
source unknown gathering
price none 10
gathering_skill none Field Dressing
weight none 3.0
instance none Big Cat Carcass
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Small Lioness Carcass
use unknown component
source unknown gathering
price none 10
gathering_skill none Field Dressing
weight none 3.0
instance none Big Cat Carcass
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
Al Thayr

looks like, currently 8 lute strings can only be crafted with 1 big cat carcass. not 4 leather.

Al Thayr

is there a way to change time format to 24 hours system?

Al Thayr

can't find cloaks recipes

Al Thayr

i just got myself registered.
thanks for the great site, Gravidy.

Anonymous Avatar

i think Epitaph, Understorm Gold Mine and Verdantis Mine might still be interesting places to visit. for those who'd like to get; Fitzowen Legacy Leather Armor set, Order of Truth Cloth Armor set, and Norgard Knightly Order Plate Armors set.

Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
use unknown component
notes none These can be made with the Tailoring recipe, or bought from merchants.
Robert Frost editor

Wonderful reference for all things SotA !

Gravidy developer

We do not have a good tool for artifacts. Even just listing them would be great, something that deserves to be worked on.

Good catch on the missing scenes. Epitaph I can understand, as it's story based and unlikely to be visited after the quest. However, Understorm looks to simply be forgotten about.

Anonymous Avatar

i can't find Epitaph and Understorm Gold Mine here.

Anonymous Avatar

nice site and nice work. thanks Gravidy.
is there info about artefacts, their sources and zones to look for?

Anonymous Avatar

Super site ya have here.

Gravidy developer

If you haven't noticed yet, I've made an attempt at a cabalist clock (it's over there on the left side). I say made an attempt as it's not always accurate, but through testing, I've found that the cabalists aren't very predictable, so I think it's close. There's also a related page with a bunch of astronomical info on it.

Gravidy developer

I've added the Fried Frog Legs recipe that was in the latest content update.

Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Fried Frog Legs
craft_skill none Cooking
proficiency none 50
teachable none re_teachable
result changes
added 2 Fried Frog Legs
ingredient changes
added 1 Frog Meat
added 1 Raw Egg
added 1 Lemon
added 1 Flour
added 1 Salt
added 1 Jar of Cooking Oil
added 1 Chunk of Coal
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
effects - +1 Health Per Second - +1 Focus Per Second - +0.4 Combat Health Per Second - +0.6 Combat Focus Per Second - for 2 hours... - +1 Jump Strength for 20 minutes - +1 Health Per Second - +1 Focus Per Second - +0.4 Combat Health Per Second - +0.6 Combat Focus Per Second - ... for 2 hours. - +1 Jump Strength for 20 minutes
buff_slots_used 1 1
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
effects - +1 Health Per Second - +1 Focus Per Second - +0.4 Combat Health Per Second - +0.6 Combat Focus Per Second - for 2 hours... - +1 Jump Strength for 20 minutes - +1 - +1 Health Per Second - +1 Focus Per Second - +0.4 Combat Health Per Second - +0.6 Combat Focus Per Second - for 2 hours... - +1 Jump Strength for 20 minutes
buff_slots_used 1 1
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Fried Frog Legs
use unknown food
source unknown recipe
price none 7
weight none 0.8
effects none - +1 Health Per Second - +1 Focus Per Second - +0.4 Combat Health Per Second - +0.6 Combat Focus Per Second - for 2 hours... - +1 Jump Strength for 20 minutes - +1
buff_slots_used none 1
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Process Frog
craft_skill none Butchery
proficiency none 1
teachable none re_teachable
result changes
added 1 Frog Meat
ingredient changes
added 1 Frog Haunch
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Frog Meat
use unknown component
source unknown recipe
weight none 0.5
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Frog Haunch
use unknown component
source unknown gathering
gathering_skill none Field Dressing
weight none 1.0
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Tall Rustic Cabinet
craft_skill none Carpentry
proficiency none 40
teachable none teachable
result changes
added 1 Tall Rustic Cabinet
ingredient changes
added 1 Large Cabinet
added 2 Wooden Board
added 1 Wood Chisel
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Tall Rustic Cabinet
use unknown decoration
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Large Rustic Cabinet
craft_skill none Carpentry
proficiency none 40
teachable none teachable
result changes
added 1 Large Rustic Cabinet
ingredient changes
added 1 Large Cabinet
added 4 Wooden Board
added 1 Wood Chisel
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Large Rustic Cabinet
use unknown decoration
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Short Rustic Cabinet
craft_skill none Carpentry
proficiency none 40
teachable none teachable
result changes
added 1 Short Rustic Cabinet
ingredient changes
added 1 Small Cabinet
added 8 Wooden Board
added 1 Metal Binding
added 1 Wood Chisel
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Short Rustic Cabinet
use unknown decoration
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Small Rustic Cabinet
craft_skill none Carpentry
proficiency none 40
teachable none teachable
result changes
added 1 Small Rustic Cabinet
ingredient changes
added 1 Small Cabinet
added 2 Wooden Board
added 1 Wood Chisel
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Small Rustic Cabinet
use unknown decoration
source unknown recipe
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name 2Seared Swordfish Steak Seared Swordfish Steak
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Croctails
craft_skill none Cooking
proficiency none 50
teachable none re_teachable
result changes
added 2 Croctails
ingredient changes
added 1 Chunk of Coal
added 4 Crocodile Meat
added 4 Pepper
added 1 Jar of Cooking Oil
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Croctails
use unknown food
source unknown recipe
effects none - +2 Health Per Second - +3 Focus Per Second - +0.5 Combat Health Per Second - +1 Combat Focus Per Second - +20 Summon Ice Elemental Power - +20 Summon Water Elemental Power - +50 Health - for 2 hours
buff_slots_used none 2
Gravidy developer

I've added some spam protection to the comment posting. If there's any issues, please reach out to me on discord (see the link in Contact Us on the home page).