
fuel 4 gold weight: 0.1

no recipes make this.

Used in 385 Recipes:

Rock Maple Long Bowstave, Maple Binding, Maple Bowstave, Maple Handle, Maple Heartwood, Maple Long Bow with Carapacian Bow String, Maple Long Bow with Fustian Bow String, Maple Long Bow with Hardened Leather Bow String, Maple Long Bow with Leather Bow String, Maple Long Bow with Supple Leather Bow String, Maple Pole, Maple Short Bow with Carapacian Bow String, Maple Short Bow with Cotton Bow String, Maple Short Bow with Fustian Bow String, Maple Short Bow with Hardened Leather Bow String, Maple Short Bow with Leather Bow String, Maple Short Bow with Supple Leather Bow String, Maple Staff with Cotton Strap, Maple Staff with Leather Strap, Maple Strip, Maple Wand with Bronze Core, Maple Wand with Constantan Core, Maple Wand with Copper Core, Maple Wand with Iron Core, Maple Wand with Meteoric Iron Core, Maple Wand with White Iron Core, Maple Wood Staff, Phonograph, Phonograph, Piano, Pine Binding, Pine Handle, Pine Heartwood, Pine Long Bow with Carapacian Bow String, Pine Long Bow with Fustian Bow String, Pine Long Bow with Hardened Leather Bow String, Pine Long Bow with Leather Bow String, Pine Long Bow with Supple Leather Bow String, Pine Pole, Pine Short Bow with Carapacian Bow String, Pine Short Bow with Cotton Bow String, Pine Short Bow with Fustian Bow String, Pine Short Bow with Hardened Leather Bow String, Pine Short Bow with Leather Bow String, Pine Short Bow with Supple Leather Bow String, Pine Staff with Cotton Strap, Pine Staff with Leather Strap, Pine Strip, Pine Short Bowstave, Pine Wand with Bronze Core, Pine Wand with Constantan Core, Pine Wand with Copper Core, Pine Wand with Iron Core, Pine Wand with Meteoric Iron Core, Pine Wand with White Iron Core, Pine Wood Staff, Stag Headdress, Dual Wax Cylinder Phonograph, Fortified Leather Boots, Fortified Leather Chest Quarter-Armor, Fortified Leather Gloves, Fortified Leather Helm, Fortified Leather Chest Armor, Fortified Cloth Boots, Fortified Cloth Chest Armor, Fortified Cloth Gloves, Primal Bear Headdress, Mounted Death Bunny, Wooden Male Mannequin, Fortified Leather Leggings, Fortified Cloth Helm, Fortified Cloth Leg Armor, Maple Long Bowstave, Hard Maple Short Bowstave, Desert Wolf Skin Rug, Boar Skin Rug, Obsidian Bear Skin Rug, Obsidian Wolf Skin Rug, Timber Wolf Skin Rug, Small Angled Ionic Column, Maple Short Bowstave, Pine Long Bowstave, Mounted Desert Wolf, Mounted Grand Boar, Mounted Obsidian Boar, Dragon Headdress, Bolt of Cloth, Doric Column Pedestal, Bulletin Board, Mounted Wild Boar, Mounted Large Crocodile, Mounted Obsidian Wolf, Practice Archery Target, Sheperd's Crook, Cloth Belt, Leather Belt, Box Shelf, Wall Board (Square), Wall Board (Rectangular), and Mounted Timber Wolf


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weight none 0.1
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price none 4